SharePoint Search Box Trick For Handling Search Input Enter Key.
Some of SharePoint developer who face issues with SharePoint search box that the enter key should be hit twice to do search, this strange behavior appears in both (Firefox and Chrome browsers), if you follow the event and method executed to do search you will find script rendered by SharePoint that is responsible for doing search as follow:
so that code ensure loading of java script file called "search.js" that is responsible for search handling by calling
i think that calling not performed well by neither Firefox nor Chrome "this calling will push SearchEnsureSOD method to onload event handled by SharePoint" if this method not performed as expected so the script will not be loaded so when enter key be hit it will call "S6F789EBA_Submit()" and for the first time the "SearchEnsureSOD will executed" and no redirect to search page will not be performed
and the next hi will fire search normally.
to handle this simply, we will ensure loading of "Search.js" at ready event by this we make sure that search java script file loaded successfully.
by this Enter key will perform normally "Try and Have Fun"
Some of SharePoint developer who face issues with SharePoint search box that the enter key should be hit twice to do search, this strange behavior appears in both (Firefox and Chrome browsers), if you follow the event and method executed to do search you will find script rendered by SharePoint that is responsible for doing search as follow:
function SearchEnsureSOD() {
EnsureScript('search.js', typeof (GoSearch));
function S6F789EBA_Submit() {
if (document.getElementById('ctl00_SearchBox_ctl03').value == '0') {
document.getElementById('ctl00_SearchBox_S6F789EBA_InputKeywords').value = '';
GoSearch('ctl00_SearchBox_ctl03', 'ctl00_SearchBox_S6F789EBA_InputKeywords', null, true, false, null, null, null, null, null, '\u002fSearch\u002fPages\u002fResults.aspx', '\u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0642\u0639', '\u0647\u0630\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629', '\u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062C\u0644\u062F', '\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u0627\u0642\u0639 \u0630\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0635\u0644\u0629', '\u002fSearch\u002fPages\u002fResults.aspx', '', '\u0627\u0644\u0631\u062C\u0627\u0621 \u0625\u062F\u062E\u0627\u0644 \u0643\u0644\u0645\u0629 \u0628\u062D\u062B \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F\u0629 \u0623\u0648 \u0623\u0643\u062B\u0631.'); if (document.getElementById('ctl00_SearchBox_ctl03').value == '0') {
document.getElementById('ctl00_SearchBox_S6F789EBA_InputKeywords').value = '\u0623\u062F\u062E\u0644 \u0646\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u062D\u062B ...';
so that code ensure loading of java script file called "search.js" that is responsible for search handling by calling
i think that calling not performed well by neither Firefox nor Chrome "this calling will push SearchEnsureSOD method to onload event handled by SharePoint" if this method not performed as expected so the script will not be loaded so when enter key be hit it will call "S6F789EBA_Submit()" and for the first time the "SearchEnsureSOD will executed" and no redirect to search page will not be performed
and the next hi will fire search normally.
to handle this simply, we will ensure loading of "Search.js" at ready event by this we make sure that search java script file loaded successfully.
$(document).ready(function () {
by this Enter key will perform normally "Try and Have Fun"
Good job you solved my problem